The Resilience of the Pistachio

Urfa, Türkiye - September 2024

It’s a page out of my elementary school history textbook: the Tigris and Euphrates, the Fertile Crescent, and the beginning of civilization. The scene: sandy and beige colors. The city in the distance was blanketed in a layer of haze and heat masking the vague outline of houses settled on the hills. Clouds would accumulate forming the hope of a storm cloud, only for it to dissipate and, at best, provide a momentary shade from the searing sun. The land that, at first glance, seemed parched, barren and unfruitful produced one of the economic backbones of the region: the pistachio. 

The pistachio can be grown in poor, stony soil, with very hot and dry summers. The pistachio can, with the strength granted by Allah, push through in the harsh environment, obtaining the nutrients it needs to grow. Not just grow but provided sustenance to the inhabitants of the land around.

Every pistachio underwent the same life cycle- their growth in pods on a tree and the much anticipated event of their life: The Harvest. The Harvest was the time when the pistachios proved themselves to the world, their first entry to the real world. They were told that not every pistachio made it- only the strongest, prettiest and tastiest pistachios would get to move forward in the real world. Those who weren’t, would be chucked out to live the rest of their life on a dirt side road into meaningless existence. 

Fatih was a dreamer. He awaited The Harvest to change the world. He didn’t know what that meant but he just wanted to spread beauty and love to the world. All he knew of the world was the environment he grew up in - coarse, brutal, and relentless.

He grew on a tree in a bunch with his siblings. One could say he was misunderstood by others around him. His siblings all had the same mission: to be the strongest and tastiest pistachio in the whole tree. The rivalry amongst the bunches led to spite, distrust and disconnection amongst them. Fatih felt stuck as there weren’t many elders to guide him in his life mission as they had been harvested and moved on in life. He didn’t know how to change his world the way he intended and grew frustrated being in an environment that was hostile, competitive and full of vanity. Amidst the frustration in the confusion, he had a tickle of hope that he would find clarity in his mission. 

Harvest Day came and the tree buzzed with excitement and nerves. His siblings exaggerated their physicality to seem appealing to the farmer picking them and not be tossed. Fatih was nervous as his intention was purely on wanting to create a better world, and it was at this point, he felt regretful for not competing like the rest. He was fearful that he would not make it because he did not do what everyone else was doing, therefore, defeating his purpose of wanting to change the world for the better. He was angry at himself for spending his time in foolish pursuit of a goal he didn’t have direction in. 

One of his siblings was first to go. This sibling spent the most time the entire season working on his strength and would often belittle the others. Despite his behavior towards others, Fatih was sure he would make it. I mean, how could he not? It was all about being the strongest and prettiest, wasn’t it? The farmer inspected him, made a few quick turns, then found he had been infected by an insect and could not make it past The Harvest. 

Fatih’s stomach sank. His brother didn’t make it, despite working on his physicality all season. There was no way he was going to make it now. The farmer reached for Fatih.

The farmer inspected him - after some quick turns he put him into the pile for distribution. 

“Is that it?” He thought. It couldn’t be. 

After inspection, the farmer started the truck. Fatih looked out from his bin to see some of his members of the tree chucked to the ground. His heart ached for those lost in The Harvest. But he knew he couldn’t linger in the emotions of grief. His heart quickly to an unrecognizable strength from purpose. He narrowed his eyes with focus. This was just the beginning. He was going to change the world.


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The Paradigm of a Croissant