A Rainy Day in Kyoto
Written by Iman Said
On my solo day in Kyoto, spending my paycheck away at Nishiki Market, I felt the blood circulation stop at my wrists from all the shopping bags hanging on my arms. It was raining to top it all off, sneakers squishing like a sponge with every step I took. I'm walking by myself to the metro, hoping I can get this public transportation thing done right without a buddy to help, and as I finally reach the train station, I stare down at a flight of stairs that there is no chance of me taking. I was rolling a hefty luggage filled with gifts that I would take back to the US for family and friends, and I did not have the energy or body strengths to get it down several flights of stairs.
A Japanese woman holding hands with her young child, also walking in the rain, chose to take a moment to help me. She invited me under her umbrella to protect me, and walked me over to what was the elevator for the train station so I could make it back home. She didnt speak a lick of English and I didnt look around for help. She just saw me struggling and was gracious enough to rescue me in a time where I needed a hand. Because of her, I was able to make it back home. The manners of the country was very evident already, but showed so much more in that moment.